Hey everyone, My name is Sarah and I am the creator of Yellowhead the Robot.
Yellowhead began in 2016 as an idea at a panel at San Diego’s Comic-Con International. The panel was on drawing and your first comic. The idea given to us to start with was to draw a robot on fire. I started Yellowhead there in that panel but I never did get to the flames part of him being on fire, but you can see his expression.
Since that time I have created many drawings/scenes and started a comic which you can see the beginning of . I hope to be done with the first edition by end of 2022/early 2023.
In 2018 I wanted a plush buddy of Yellowhead for myself and we created him too. Since then we went on to creating a smaller plush version of Yellowhead to sell so others who might want one can get one.
I created my first animation as you can see on the front page, but am looking into more animation software possibilities to make things easier and faster. I want to create an cartoon of Yellowhead and his life with his friends and other robots.
During this time my team,(my parents)has been on board supporting me for this and helping me to create and fulfill my dream of being in Artist alley someday at Comic-Con.
Enjoy your visit!